Barrier measures put in place for your seminars

Organize your seminars in complete safety!

In this period of emerging from the health crisis, we have been pleased to welcome you back since June for the organization of your seminars.

Obviously we have put in place everything possible to meet health standards and welcome you in the best possible conditions.

Respect for social distances

So, in all our seminar rooms, 1 meter of social distance is respected between each person. 

In addition, we have adapted and redesigned our breaks, they are prepared individually and put in protective bags.

Regarding the wearing of a mask, it is recommended in the seminar room, and compulsory to use the restaurant. In addition, all our staff wear a mask. A maximum of 10 people per table in our Flow restaurants is also imposed.

A welcome in optimal conditions

Finally, hydroalcoholic gel is available at the entrance to our Flow hotels and restaurants.

All the conditions are therefore met to welcome you in complete safety and in compliance with health standards! Please know that we are doing everything possible to keep us informed of the evolution of security measures in order to respond to them!

We look forward to welcoming you back to the establishments of the Mona Collection group!

See you soon

"Customer relations and quality of service are at the center of our attention."

Monika & Juvenal Da Cunha, propriétaires

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